Friday, January 14, 2011

Art Reception

I just wanted to say thanks to all who came out on a snowy Michigan evening to my artist reception at the Forest Hills Fine Art Center. It is truly a wonderful venue for an exhibit. I am going to post some pictures of the reception and the artwork.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Plein air at Pierce Cedar Creek

Today I had the opportunity to again paint with the PAAWM at the Pierce Cedar Creek Institute. The institute is a beautiful facility for environmental education. It is also a great place to paint in any season with  streams, wildlife, trails, and diverse habitats and land forms. Today was predicted to be cloudy and snowy, but to my surprise, just the opposite happened. My first painting, oil on a linen panel, was a challenge in simplification and painting that beautiful scene on a small 8x10. I had not planned on doing a second painting, but when looking at the creek from a different viewpoint, I loved how intense the colors were in the afternoon light and did a very quick study, also 8x10. I might even do a studio painting from this one.
Cedar Creek in Morning, oil, 8x10

Cedar Creek-Winter, oil, 8x10

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

More Exhibit Work

The exhibit at the Forest Hills Fine Art Center is hung! With a lot of planning and expert help, 41 paintings were hung in about two hours. It looks really nice and I am sooo excited for the artist reception, Jan. 13, 6-7:30. Music will be by David Pickel. Hope you all can make it.
More featured work:
Dunes-Autumn Air, pastel, 24x36

Beach Shade, pastel, 14x14

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year

I just want to say that 2010 was a very good year for continued growth in my artistic learning, a prolific output of work and an increased following of collectors that resulted in many nice sales. I am full of gratitude. New gallery representation and my first show at Button-Petter Gallery in Douglas, MI was also successful! I am happy to say that I have ready to hang up to 44 paintings for the one person exhibit in January at the Forest Hills Fine Art Center. I am going to feature a number of those paintings in the January blogs.
Autumn Solitude, pastel, 24x36

Katharina Dreaming, oil, 24x18