I am back to my blog. Sorry for the long absence... life just got in the way! Meanwhile, I am still painting and this past fall dedicated itself to a lot of plein air painting and some larger studio works. I am currently teaching a painting class in oil and pastel on Tuesdays. Today the class was cancelled due to an abundance of snow this morning. This blog is dedicated to my faithful students who seem to like painting the still life as much as the landscape.
Still life #1
Garlic and Radishes, oil, 6x6
This was painted yesterday in preparation for the still life class. The panel was toned first with Transparent Oxide Red. I used raw umber for the background and made textures with the paper towel. A langnickle brush smoothed it out. The original painting has a much darker background. The photos here are just quick photos taken from the easel. My palette also consisted of T. white, cad yellow light, yellow ochre, cad red, transparent oxide red, alizarin crimson, ultramarine blue and chromatic black. I used the natural north light from the window behind the set up. Yesterday was a sunny day and so there was plenty of natural light.
Still life #2 |
Eggplant and Radishes, oil, 6x6
Today's first still life painting. Again the background is actually much darker on the actual painting, painted with raw umber. The white cloth has tints of white and black and yellow ochre for the cool light side and for the shadows I thinly painted a mixture of white with raw umber and TOR to warm it up. Remember, cool light has warm shadows. |
The still life set up with natural light behind and a cool light spotlight. I like this and may paint it again.
Still life #3 |
Red Onion, Garlic and Radishes, oil, 6x6
Not quite finished with this one.
I will post more professional photos of these paintings on my website.www.KalinowskiFineArt.com
1 comment:
I'm glad you're back, Kathleen..
These are all excellent paintings especially that luscious red onion!! Wonderful work!!!
Happy Holidays!!!
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